JNTUK- b.tech 2-1 Text books for Mechanical Engineering
Since the very inception, the purpose of the Institution has been solely focused on providing instruction and training on all levels as well as prepare students for careers and professions that provide support and services for the well-being of individuals, family, or society. Within this purpose, we work towards our programs, aiming to provide programs that can help our students peak their performance to the best of their capabilities and reach the heights of their careers through determination and sheer focus along-side preparing them to be responsible members of the society. All of these programs are designed within the mission of the institution, through a commitment to academic excellence and personal excellence, so that they can excel in their chosen vocations.
About Author:
Mr. Bansal has over 30 years of experience in Audit and Tax Planning.
He has worked with multiple garment exporters throughout Delhi & NCR area and has provided them with consulting services regarding their tax planning, internal audit and other accounting services.
He has held positions at various companies as Director of Finance.
He has over 25 years of experience in personal tax planning, financial planning and developing business plans.
About This book:
This book is intended for use in B.E./B.Tech. courses of various branches of specialisation
like Civil, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering. The material is adequate for the prescribed
syllabi of various Universities in India and the Institution of Engineers. SI system of
units is adopted throughout as this is the official system of units in India. In order to give
About This Edition:
Several books are available in the market on the subject of “Engineering Thermodynamics”
but either they are too bulky or are miserly written and as such do not cover the
syllabii of various Indian Universities effectively. Hence a book is needed which should
assimilate subject matter that should primarily satisfy the requirements of the students from
syllabus/examination point of view ; these requirements are completely met by this book.
JNTUK- b.tech 2-2 Text books for Mechanical Engineering
Kinematics of Machinery by khurmi and j.k Guptha:
about This Book:
Since the very inception, the purpose of the Institution has been solely focused on providing instruction and training on all levels as well as prepare students for careers and professions that provide support and services for the well-being of individuals, family, or society.
IC Engines by V.Ganesan
Keeping in view the increasing importance of IC engines, various Universi-
ties are introducing courses on the subject as an intrinsic part of the thermal
engineering curriculum However, the lack of a suitable textbook has ere
ated difficulties in fully appreciating the basic principles and applications
of IC engines. This book has been written to fulfill this need.
I have endeavoured to explain the various topics right from the funda-
mentals so that even a beginner can understand the exposition. Keeping
this in view, chapters 1 W 15 are framed so that the book will be useful
to both undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as to practising
Machine Drawing by K. L Narayana
About This book:
Drawing, as an art, is the picturisation of the imagination of the scene in its totality by an
individual—the Artist. It has no standard guidelines and boundaries. Engineering drawing on
the other hand is the scientific representation of an object, according to certain national and
international standards of practice. It can be understood by all, with the knowledge of basic
principles of drawing.

Manufacturing Processes by H N Gupta 2nd ed
The ‘driving force’ behind a ‘technological revolution’ has always been a certain ‘material’. There would have been no ‘industrial revolution’ without ‘steel’ and no ‘electronic/computer revolution’ without ‘semiconductor’. Similary the ‘key’ behind ‘socioeconomic development’ is the ‘manufacturing’ which is done by certain manufacturing processes using certain materials. Moreovers, the primary duty of engineers is to make life-style of people more easy and comfortable, engineers do this by ‘making’ certain tools and things through certain manufacturing processes using certain material of desirable property.Fundamentals of Material Science and Engineering- William F Smith
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering is an alternate version of my text, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, Fifth Edition. The contents of both are the same, but the order of presentation differs and Fundamentals utilizes newer technologies to enhance teaching and learning. With regard to the order of presentation, there are two common approaches to teaching materials science and engineering—one that I call the ‘‘traditional’’ approach, the other which most refer to as the ‘‘integrated’’ approach. With the traditional approach, structures/characteristics/properties of metals are presented first, followed by an analogous discussion of ceramic materials and polymers.
Strength of Materials - Bhavikatti
Mechanics of Solids is an important course for all engineering students by which they develop analytical skill. In this course, laws of mechanics are applied to parts of bodies and skill is developed to get solution to engineering problems maintaining continuity of the parts. The author has clearly explained theories involved and illustrated them by solving a number of engineering problems.Strength of Materials by S.Timshenko, Parts 1 and 2
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